Credit Check |
Everything You Know About Being Debt Free Is WRONG. And it will keep you in debt the rest of your life! |
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Credit Check Articles
- Credit Counseling
In the same way that marriage counseling can save a rocky marriage, credit counseling can put a stop to your credit troubles. Contrary to popular belief, it is actually very easy and applying for it in the early stages of your financial difficulties could save you from more serious miseries.
- Repair Your Credit Rating
If you are the victim of a terrible credit rating, you really do have to despair. Aside from the really bad reputation it seems to bring, it can also seriously curtail the financial institutions available to you. For example, applying for a credit card will definitely become a hassle – with you on the receiving end of not a few rejections.
- Credit Repair Software
A person's credit score is as important as his identity. Credit companies and financial institutions would do an intensive background check on an individual's credit history before they issue that all-important approval of their loan. Needless to say, your credit score is what determines your ability to acquire, save, borrow, or spend money.
- Credit Reporting Agencies
Credit agencies are those companies that collect information about consumers and their credit histories. These companies collates information from public records, creditor's information, and other valid sources.
- Free Annual Credit Report
A free annual credit report is essential for financial institutions. It provides basic details regarding an institution’s credit rating. An annual free credit report is usually provided by a particular credit bureau to any financial institutions that have requested credit rating for a person.
- Free Credit Check
You may find yourself looking at a bad credit rating. However, you may encounter other problems on your credit report even when it is not your fault.