Thursday, September 19, 2002

When I sometimes issue newsletters on how to use your computer productively, I end up with snoring readers. That's why I added some sort of "Just For Grins" section at the end, to keep them awake. I'm running out of things to put there, so I'll just post this to remind myself of sites where I can get trivia.

River under the Sahara desert (Sorry, the "River..." webpage no longer exists)
50 Things You Don't Need To Know

Posted by Manuel [Just For Grins]

Tuesday, September 17, 2002

Has anyone seen online the photo referred to by Palace Men In Black: Gloria's photo ops get trendier (by Juliet L. Javellana)?

Some were not happy with the photo.

Others have resorted to name-calling.

I feel embarrassed.

I hope some other world leader wears a costume and poses for some photographer. Geez... why is Halloween so far away?

Posted by Manuel [All The President's Men In Black]

Prof. Nieves B. Epistola, or Mrs. E, passed away last Tuesday, September 10, 2002. She will be missed by her English students at the University of the Philippines, her colleagues, friends and every person whose life she touched.

Other Links

Prof's love for literature inspires life-changing turns. (Philippine Daily Inquirer). By Yvette P. Fernandez. "When I took my first class with Mrs. E, I was a mediocre business major, completely bored out of my wits in my accounting (my grade: 2.25) and economics (2.0) classes. Shortly after my first class with her (my grade: a perfect 1.0!), in the second semester of my junior year, I shifted to journalism. I had fallen in love with the written word."

The above article displays a photo that looks like the pic posted in Lia Bulaong's online journal. There doesn't appear to be any photo credit.

Maybe that's why Lia is upset. Someone named iskrukutay (or something like that) commented that Lia also posts other photos online. Perhaps something like this? While another visitorsays it's ok to post photos in your journal because you're not making money from it anyway.

Hmmmm. A physical journal isn't the same as an online journal. In other words, people who live in glass houses....

Anyway, here's a 640x480 photo of Prof. Nieves Epistola. Be sure to first get permission (preferably in writing) before using that photo, ok?

Posted by Manuel [Nieves B. Epistola]

Here's a schedule of prepared childbirth classes (lamaze, bradley method) for the Year 2002 here in the Philippines. These are handled by Chiqui Brosas-Hahn, a US-trained and US-Certified Childbirth Educator. Chiqui is also a breastfeeding advocate and mother. She and her colleagues give several classes in Pre-natal and Post-natal care for pregnant and breastfeeding couples, their families and yaya's.

NOTE: Classes are subject to change. Please contact us for more information. Look for Chiqui +63(2)4146102 or 0917-5327892, or Look for Julie at 4105516


Posted by Manuel [Prepared Childbirth Classes 2002 (Philippines)]

Have you ever gotten angry because someone easily copied your web site graphics, html source code and web page, made a few edits here and there, and then passed the revised page as their own?

Don't you wish you could really protect your html code and web page so that people cannot easily steal them?

I thought it couldn't be done... until now:

Protect Your HTML Code Now

Posted by Manuel [How To Protect Your HTML Code and Web Page]

Monday, September 16, 2002

I noticed that someone ended up at this site because s/he was searching for "USEFUL FILIPINO PHRASES" at Google. So here's an attempt to provide such a list, preferably something more contemporary. Please note that all the vowels in Pilipino or Tagalog are short vowels. "A" as in machine and not mayhem, "E" as in echo and not eel, "I" as in his and not high, "O" as in awe and not owe, and "U" as in flu and not up. Ready? :-) [more]

Posted by Manuel [Useful Tagalog / Filipino Phrases]

I got Adi a cute, green-shelled baby turtle over the weekend. And just so it wouldn't get lonely, decided to get a second one. I was wondering exactly what kind of turtles they were, so I turned to the net to find out what these cute lil' ones are. Yep, the tiny turtles with orange or red stripes on the sides of their heads.

And so the NIGHTMARE begins... [more]

Posted by Manuel [Turtle Regrets]

If you have a weak heart or get scared easily, then please do NOT visit the link below. But if you have nerves of steel and if you consider yourself a rather strong individual, then study the photo in the link below and see if you can figure it out within the first two minutes:

WARNING: The above link is not for the fainthearted. You have been warned!!!!

Posted by Manuel [What's Wrong With This Picture?]