Friday, April 25, 2003

Bato Springs is a resort located in Bgy San Cristobal, San Pablo City, Laguna. There are no swimming pools. The main highlight of the place is the clear, sparkling river, plus the trees which make noon feel like it's only 8:00... [more]

Posted by Manuel [Bato Springs in San Pablo City, Laguna]

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

I like kissing a lot. I like kissing all my relatives hello and goodbye at various parties. Never even thought twice about it after the SARS pandemic started hogging headlines. But after Paulo Ordoveza wrote about relatives who no longer kiss nor shake hands, I dunno....

Posted by Manuel [To Kiss Or Not To Kiss]

Tuesday, April 22, 2003

Monitor SARS-related info on the web today:

SARS Watch org by Tim Bishop

Singapore - Changi General Hospital Medical Resident - Dr. Oh Jen Jen's Blog

Blogger who lives in Hong Kong

SARS Online Bulletin Board

Posted by Manuel [SARS Blogs]

Would you like your kids to learn rockclimbing? "Play Underground" (located at the Rockwell Power Plant Mall) offers eight 1.5-hour rockclimbing lessons on Mondays and Wednesdays, from 1:00 - 2:30pm. I spoke with Ms Geri Sarmiento, and the package costs P5,000. Just bring extra shirts for your kids, and ask them to wear socks. [more]

Posted by Manuel [Rockclimbing at the Rockwell Power Plant Mall, Philippines]

Monday, April 21, 2003

Tonette Jacinto took some photos of Holy Week scenes last Good Friday (April 18, 2003) at Paombong, Bulacan. Some are quite graphic, so if you're queasy, please do not click on the link below:

Graphic Photos - Good Friday Crucifixions, Penitents (2003)

Why do some Filipinos allow themselves to suffer through such physical ordeals? Some treat it as a way for atoning for the sins they committed in the past year(s). [more]

Posted by Manuel [Photos > Holy Week 2003, Philippines]