Friday, March 21, 2003

Something fun and lighthearted for the weekend DVD hibernation -- There's Something About Mary. I think I'll never look at hair gel the same way again... [more]

Posted by Manuel [DVD: There's Something About Mary (Cameron Diaz, Ben Stiller)]

Enemy of the State is what I'll be after watching too many DVDs this weekend. Anyway, we'll see... I'll probably watch this ahead of Enemy at the Gates.

(Update: I shouldn't have stayed up late for this. Interesting beginning and middle, but the ending was a let-down...) [more]

Posted by Manuel [DVD: Enemy of the State (Will Smith, Gene Hackman)]

I think I'm in the mood for some Brit stuff over the weekend, so if there's time in between basketball and the usual weekend to-do's, I might watch About A Boy... [more]

Posted by Manuel [DVD: About A Boy (Hugh Grant)]

Weekend at the gates, so I'll probably pop "Enemy at the Gates" into the old DVD player... [more]

Posted by Manuel [DVD: Enemy At The Gates (Jude Law, Ed Harris, Joseph Fiennes)]

Here's a five-minute evaluation checklist for your intranet:

For those whose intranets really need help:
Sixteen steps to a renewed corporate intranet

Posted by Manuel [Evaluate Your Intranet]

Thursday, March 20, 2003

The Center for Democracy and Technology ( releases a report on why you're getting lots of spam. You can view the report titled "Why Am I Getting All This Spam?" in either [HTML] or [PDF] format.

You'll find additional info on CDT Commentaries regarding Spam, Unsolicited Commercial Email, Junk Email at

Bottomline: Try to avoid posting your email address on a web page.

(Link via Sabrina I. Pacifici's beSpacific)

Posted by Manuel [CDT Releases New Report on Origins of Spam]

Best Economics Blogs (Forbes) -- the blogs "focus mainly on macroeconomic issues that range from energy supplies to monetary policy to deficit spending." You can even take a poll on which is the best blog for you.

(The last time I checked, though, 4 of the 5 who took the poll voted for None of the blogs. Oh well...)

Here are direct links to those economics blogs, according to Forbes... [more]

Posted by Manuel [Best Economics Blogs]

I wonder how long before the internet connection in Baghdad goes kaput. Anyway, here's a blog by someone in Baghdad. The last entry I saw is dated March 20.

Where Is Raed?

(Link via [more]

Posted by Manuel [Baghdad Blogger (Raed)]

Wednesday, March 19, 2003

Maridol Acosta is a former colleague who helped brighten afternoons by simply adding something called noise. Unfortunately, that was short-lived because Maridol transferred to another office in Mandaluyong, left for the States, and practically disappeared. Heck, even Maridol's cellphone doesn't work anymore.

Posted by Manuel [Maridol Acosta]

Hannaford curbs spam for its 4,000 e-mail users -- "Hannaford said it deployed the securiQ.Wall spam filtering system from Group Technologies in an effort to block spam and other inappropriate content. "That translates to increased productivity, less disk consumption and reduced legal liability," Homa said."

SecuriQ.Wall Product Sheet from Group Technologies

SecuriQ.Wall for Microsoft Exchange 2000
I'm intrigued by its ability to block chain letters circulating in the internal mail world.

Posted by Manuel [Hannaford curbs spam for its 4,000 e-mail users]

If you want to easily read the Philippine Daily Inquirer online, simply try their PDA-optimized site: [more]

Posted by Manuel [Philippine Daily Inquirer (Hi-Speed Version)]

Tuesday, March 18, 2003

Got email from containing files related to the Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards for the year 2003. I have NOT personally verified if they really sent the email, but will give Mr. Angel Battung a call tomorrow at (632) 818-3681 to 85 locals 31 and 24. [more]

Posted by Manuel [Carlos Palanca 2003 Contest Rules and Forms]

Incoming email shows that students need the synopsis of the novel El Filibusterismo (Subversion) by Jose Rizal. Fortunately, I found a pretty good summary of the entire El Fili. It was written by Jose Fadul. [more]

Posted by Manuel [Synopsis of El Filibusterismo]

Monday, March 17, 2003

PDF files (or ebooks) are sometimes used as effective viral marketing tools, because they can easily be passed along via email. But what makes them spread out faster are people who offer your PDF file as a downloadable file from their web sites.

That's where a PDF brander comes in -- ebook authors or those seeking cost-effective PR, publicity or advertising online should add this viral PDF branding tool to your arsenal. [more]

Posted by Manuel [PDF Brander: A Viral PDF Branding Tool]

Andy King wrote a book called Speed Up Your Site: Web Site Optimization.

Adrian Holovaty interviews web optimization expert Andy King. Here are the main points: [more]

Posted by Manuel [Speed Up Your Site: Web Site Optimization]

Killer Pneumonia Infections Mount, Fear Spreads
"The number of Hong Kong people infected with a severe and contagious strain of pneumonia had nearly doubled, officials said on Monday as airports and hospitals around the world went on high alert for carriers." [more]

Posted by Manuel [Killer Pneumonia]

Email makes surfers emotional
"E-mail newsletters are the latest way to bond with customers and, if done correctly, they can work, a study has found." [more]

Posted by Manuel [Surfers Prefer Email To Websites]