Network Marketing TacticsA friend asked when I will give up on network marketing. I said: "With the help of the internet, I'll never give up." [an error occurred while processing this directive]You probably know a few people who have tried MLM or network marketing in the past. For the first few weeks, it was all go-go-go, or Power this and Power that. You'll most likely hear words or phrases like "it's your attitude" or "avoid dream stealers" or the classic "Some Will, Some Won't, So What? NEXT!" They will excitedly talk about their business with friends, family, and even strangers. Every person they see is someone they will present the business opportunity to. Everyone. Even those who are clearly not interested. Well, perhaps they were interested in the free lunch or dinner you were going to treat them to, if they agree to attend the orientation about your product. Some friends have even resorted to the MLM "kidnap" tactic where people are invited to the presentation, but they are not given any clear details beforehand. In most cases, it's just a waste of time and money, and some people will hate your guts. But the internet changes ALL of that. Once you publish something online, it stays there for a long time. People who are actually interested can read it any time of the day or night. And even though you wrote it only once, you can reach hundreds or even thousands of people. Every. Single. Day. (You're probably the 17th person to read this page today. And even though I wrote this page only once, as many as 600 people will read this SINGLE webpage in one month.) Can you imagine yourself giving 30 presentations in one month? As in, live before an audience of one or two people? Geez. No wonder so many aspiring network marketers have burned out early. Or are perhaps deep in debt. Or are no longer in good relations with their friends and family. Are you interested in network marketing? Or are you someone who tried it in the past, but gave up or got frustrated? Fortunately for many people, the internet is here to help. There are free tutorials online that explain how you can try the rejection-free kind of network marketing. And since here you are, reading this webpage, that means you already have the equipment needed to avail of these free internet marketing tutorials. All you need to do is sign-up for these tutorials, read them, perform the challenges, and see the results. With the internet, you will have the power to attract people. Instead of you going out and bothering people (and hoping that one of them might actually be interested in your network marketing offer), you will be approached by people who are already motivated and keenly interested in joining you. Remember, business is a battle. It is a battle for the mind and the attention of your customers. The marketing warriors with better technology will oftentimes win. And in network marketing or MLM, one technological tool that can give you the competitive advantage is the internet. Find out how you can harness web technology today, and turn your dreams into reality. Do you want a free tutorial on internet network marketing and the Rejection-Free MLM Blueprint? Join today. "The future is not something we enter. The future is something we create." --Leonard Sweet Panuorin Mo Ito... Visit ~ Kumita sa Internet, Kahit Super-BUSY Ka Get In Touch With Manuel Today Previous Entry Next Entry |
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