Pinoy MLMThe winds of change in the Pinoy MLM scene are blowing. [an error occurred while processing this directive]If you haven't noticed yet, more Filipinos are getting involved in network or multilevel marketing. But what does it take to succeed in a world of power herbs and other health products pushed via word of mouth? Is it the product? Is it the comp plan? Is it expertise when it comes to inviting people to listen to a product orientation or marketing plan? Here's the secret of success: Overcome your fear. A lot of people are afraid to tell their family, relatives and friends about the latest MLM venture they're in. Then they get shocked when they later found out that a college friend would've been receptive, if only they bothered to invite that friend. The result? Your college friend signs up under someone else. Sayang. Let's say you've tried network marketing so many times in the past, and you've lost countless friends because of your over-excitement in telling them about the latest best thing. What are you going to do now? Here's a tip: Change your approach. Instead of harassing people you know, then reach out to strangers. No, I'm not suggesting you accost people you meet for the first time, and thrust your business plan, or natural health drink sachets into their faces. You can simply and safely present the information to them, and then wait for them to signify their interest. That way, your success rate in MLM will be much higher. There are many paths available to you, thanks to the power of the internet. In the coming weeks, I will show you where to get hold of tutorials that will help you succeed in the interesting sphere of "internetwork marketing." Panuorin Mo Ito... Visit ~ Kumita sa Internet, Kahit Super-BUSY Ka Get In Touch With Manuel Today Previous Entry Next Entry |
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