Web Host Searching

Are you looking for a good web host provider?

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Usually, you'll get recommendations for a lot of different web hosting providers and packages, that you'll end up even more confused that you were before. Which review should you believe? Which reco should you ignore?

If you do a search in Google for the name of the webhost followed by a highly emotional cuss word, you'll end up with extremely negative reviews.

If, however, you search for the webhost followed by any of the following words:

problem (or problems)

You'll probably end up with more levelheaded reviews.

By doing this search for various web companies and counting the number of webpages that turn up, you will have a better sense of the reliability of that web provider. Of course, nothing beats actually having to experience it (since some customers in the same company will have differing experiences), but at least research will save you the time and aggravation.

And lastly, there's no such thing as ONE good webhost. Spread your sites among various companies. That way, if one site goes down (and it will), your other sites will still be available online.

[ First posted on 10/02/2007 by Manuel Viloria ]

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