Fuzzy Screen FontsWhen you visit a web page, do you sometimes have difficulty making out the fonts? [an error occurred while processing this directive]Some sites are now making use of fonts such as Calibri and Corbel, and even if you have those fonts installed in your PC, they'll look fuzzy on your screen. So, how do you make these more readable? You'll need to switch on Clear Type Tuning, which you can access from your Start - Control Panel. And if you need help with the Clear Type Tuner, check out Microsoft's tutorial on how to turn on Windows XP ClearType. Before you know it, you'll say goodbye to hard to read screens. One thing I need to do when Clear Type is switched on is to enlarge the fonts (for Firefox users, press Ctrol and the + key) For some reason, "clearer" text is hard to read when the page renders them in the default size. For tiny text, I prefer to switch off Clear Type tuning. Panuorin Mo Ito... Visit SupremeWealthAlliance.net ~ Kumita sa Internet, Kahit Super-BUSY Ka Get In Touch With Manuel Today Manuel@Viloria.net Previous Entry Next Entry |
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