Is Website Hosting For You?If you're thinking of building a web site that will last more than a year, you might wish to consider web site hosting. [an error occurred while processing this directive]People who experiment with publishing online sometimes try a free service at Geocities or Blogspot. What happens when your site becomes popular and you wish to add unique things like random photos, audio, or videos, for example? Or what happens if that free service disappears? That's where web hosting comes in. Instead of putting your site at, you can get a domain name (i.e.,, and host it at a web host provider. The host lets you put your web pages in their hard disk, and they make sure their hard disk is seen by visitors all over the internet. If something happens to your web host, you can rent disk space with another web hosting company. Your visitors will not be confused since if they visit your domain name, they'll still see your site. Web hosting also allows you to grow. You can start with a basic Shared Hosting Plan, where you share disk space with other site owners. If you site gets more popular and you want it accommodate the thousands of visitors you may wish to upgrade your web host package to high capacity types of web host accounts. How to choose a web host provider? Try typing the host's name in Google, along with the word "sucks" and you will see how many complaints have been posted online. Please take note of when those complaints were posted. Alternatively, you can also search Google for the name of your potential web host provider, along with the word "reviews". So, why are you still staying with a free web host service that limit the growth of your web site? Try professional web site hosting today. Panuorin Mo Ito... Visit ~ Kumita sa Internet, Kahit Super-BUSY Ka Get In Touch With Manuel Today Previous Entry Next Entry |
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