Prepared Childbirth Classes 2002 (Philippines)
Here's a schedule of prepared childbirth classes (lamaze, bradley method) for the Year 2002 here in the Philippines. These are handled by Chiqui Brosas-Hahn, a US-trained and US-Certified Childbirth Educator. Chiqui is also a breastfeeding advocate and mother. She and her colleagues give several classes in Pre-natal and Post-natal care for pregnant and breastfeeding couples, their families and yaya's.
NOTE: Classes are subject to change. Please contact us for more information. Look for Chiqui +63(2)4146102 or 0917-5327892, or Look for Julie at 4105516
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Check out Chiqui's web site...
Prepared Childbirth in the Philippines
PCC # 76
Venue: Makati ( Sacred Heart School, Sabio St., P. Tamo )
Sept 7 Sat. 3-6pm
Sept 14 Sat. 3-6pm
Sept 21 Sat. 9-12nn (Venue: British School, Fort Bonifacio, Makati)
Sept 28 Sat. 3-6pm
Cost: P3,500.
Baby Care Classes
Venue: Pasig City
Oct 5 Sat. 9-12nn "Baby Basics"
Oct 12 Sat. 9-12nn "Baby Massage"
Cost: P500. per couple for the 2 days
(Discounted for PCC students only)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
FREE Breastfeeding Classes & Support
by "Bestfriends in Breastfeeding" in QC (SLMC)
Sept. 11 Wed. 5:30-7:30pm Back to Basics
by *"MOMIMOR" ( Moms Milk & More, a nonprofit group )
Venue: *Makati ( Gymboree, Rockwell Mall )
Sept. 21 Sat. 3:00-6:00pm �Breastfeeding Personality�
Venue: *Asean Hosp., Alabang
Sept. 28 Sat. 9:00-11:00am �Thinking Ahead�
Pls. Register at 0917-5327892 or 0917-8426506
PCC # 77
Venue: Mandaluyong City
Oct. 5 Sat. 3-6pm
12 Sat. 3-6pm
18 Fri. 5-8pm
19 Sat. 3-6pm
26 Sat. 9-12nn
Baby Care Classes
Venue: Pasig City
Nov. 9 Sat. 9-12nn
16 Sat. 9-12nn
CPR & Life Saving Class
Venue: Pasig City
Oct. 20 Sun. 9-4pm
Cost: P1,500.
Venue: NBC Tent, Fort Bonifacio, Makati
Date: Oct. 26 to 29, 2002 Sat.-Tues.
Exhibits, Special Sessions and Workshops
Cost: P3,500. for 4 days
Note: Special rates avail. for early birds, couple fees, pack of 5�s & 10�s
Call Business Works for inquiries 4330387
Join me as a speaker on the following dates:
Oct. 26 Sat. 4:00-5:00pm (Special Session) Relaxation Techniques for Labor
Oct. 28 Mon. 2:45-4:15pm (Workshop) Equipping Oneself for Labor and Birth
FREE Breastfeeding Classes & Support
by "BF" in QC (SLMC)
Oct. 9 Wed. 5:30-7:30pm What to do when baby arrives home
Venue: *Makati ( Makati Medical Center, Ledesma Hall, 9th fl. )
Oct. 17 Thurs. 5:30-7:30pm DQ (Diligence Quotient)
PCC # 78
Venue: British School at the Music Room, Fort Bonifacio, Makati City
Nov. 2 Sat. 9-12nn
9 Sat. 3-6pm
16 Sat. 3-6pm
23 Sat. 3-6pm
P3,500. per couple
Baby Classes in Pasig City
Nov. 9, Sat. 9-12nn
Nov. 16, Sat. 9-12nn
Cost for both dates are P500. per couple, for my students only
FREE Breastfeeding Classes & Support
Nov. 13 Wed. 5:30-7:30pm SLMC, QC "Overcoming Problems"
Nov. 23 Sat. 9:00-12nn *Asean Hosp. Training Room, 4th Fl, Alabang �Working and Breastfeeding�
PCC # 79
Venue: VRPMC, PHYSICIAN CENTER, 5th fl. Conference Hall
Nov. 29 Fri 5-8pm
Dec. 7 Sat. 3-6pm
14 Sat. 3-6pm
21 Sat. 9-12nn
P3,500 per couple
FREE Breastfeeding Classes by MOMIMOR
Dec. 19, Thurs. 5:30-7:30pm MMC, Ledesma Hall, 9th fl.
Baby Care Classes in Pasig Year 2003
Jan. 11, Sat. 9-12nn
18 Sat. 9-12nn
FREE Breastfeeding Classes & Support Year 2003
Jan. 8 Wed. 5:30-7:30pm SLMC, QC �A New Year, A New BF Baby�
Jan. 18 Sat. 3:00-5:00pm *Rockwell, Mkti. �BOOBS� (Bec. Of Our Babies)
Jan. 25 Sat. 9:00-11:00nn *Asean Hosp., Alabang �No Worries�
Feb. 20 Thurs.5:30-7:30pm *MMC, Mkti. � It All Started With Love�
[ First posted on 09/17/2002 by Manuel Viloria ]