February: Off My Desk CalendarMy Cattitudes desk calendar goes this way this month: "Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired." -- Jules Renard. Sounds good to me. [an error occurred while processing this directive]That's my kind of quote. My husband and I were discussing yesterday the top 8 things I enjoy doing and the first thing that came out of my mouth was "resting." Would you believe, travelling was only number 2? I do need to rest. Nowadays, when I find the time, I nap or sleep. Sleep has become a luxury these days. On a typical day, I get by on 6 hours of sleep when it should be 8 right? When I find myself at home, with time to spare, I would rather sleep than read, or blog, or whatever. So, why wait until you get tired? Just rest before you even get there. People may call you lazy but what the heck? Happiness has its price. =) [By Angelica Viloria | Friday, February 3, 2006] [an error occurred while processing this directive]![]() Copyright © 2001-2012 by Angelica Bautista Viloria. All Rights Reserved. Previous entry: "The World's Best Sandbox 2006 Calendar" Next entry: "A Brave New World: My Dream Job" |
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