Party Poe-per

Shucks! FPJ won't join any debate. And if FPJ won't join, PGMA won't too. And if PGMA won't join, Lacson wants out. That leaves us with Roco and Brother Eddie. Doesn't sound too exciting.

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FPJ is being safe. He does not want to reveal (too early) what he does and does not know. PGMA looks at FPJ as her real and one true opponent. There is no benefit if she debates with the rest. The others can only steal votes away from her and there is no opportunity for her to steal votes away from FPJ. So why should she join?

Oh well. Why should I expect FPJ to contribute to my entertainment when I am definitely not voting for him? So cancel the debates! Ho hum.

[By Angelica Viloria | Friday, February 27, 2004] [an error occurred while processing this directive]

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